mardi 29 mars 2016

How to make Python absolute import lines shorter?

this is my project structure (just an example to illustrate the problem):

├── hello_world
│   ├──
│   └── some
│       └── very_nested
│           └──
└── tests

The file (for py.test):

from hello_world.some.very_nested.stuff import Magic
from hello_world.some.very_nested.other_stuff import MoreMagic

def test_magic_fact_works():
    assert Magic().fact(3) == 6

# ...

Is there any way how to make the import lines shorter? They get too long in the real project.

For example, this would be nice, but it doesn't work :)

import hello_world.some.very_nested as vn
from vn.stuff import Magic
from vn.other_stuff import MoreMagic

I cannot use relative imports (I assume) beucase the tests are not inside the package. I could move them, but is it possible without changing project structure?

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