mardi 29 mars 2016

implementing another class to create the first 100 prime numbers

ok I'm a little mind blown from an assignment i have to do. We have to implement a sequence class from (the chapter 10 example) to make a new class called PrimeSequence and it has to right align the first 100 prime sequence numbers. I don't understand the point of implementing the other class and i did it but i know im not following the assignment rules because i dont understand what im supposed to implement from the other class and i also use nothing from the other class. I'm not sure on what i have to do

Sequence Class

public interface Sequence 
    int next();

PrimeSequence Class

public class PrimeSequence implements Sequence

public PrimeSequence()


public boolean isPrime(int x)
    for (int start = 2; start <= Math.sqrt(x); start++)
        if (x % start == 0) 
            return false;
    return true;

    public int next()



public class PrimeSequenceTester {

public static void main(String[] args) 
    PrimeSequence prime = new PrimeSequence();

    int currentNumber = 2;
    int primesFound = 0;

    while (primesFound < 100) {
        if (prime.isPrime(currentNumber)) 

            System.out.printf("%4s",currentNumber + " ");
            if (primesFound % 10 == 0) 


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