jeudi 29 mars 2018

Not able to run a Taurus performance test on an existing API

After installing Taurus on Win 10 machine and creating a new file for performance testing my API I get following error.


- concurrency: 100
  ramp-up: 1m
  hold-for: 2m
  scenario: helloworld-api-perf-test


Error Log:

> bzt perf-test-config.yml
15:32:18 INFO: Taurus CLI Tool v1.11.0
15:32:18 INFO: Starting with configs: ['perf-test-config.yml']
15:32:18 INFO: Configuring...
15:32:18 INFO: Artifacts dir: C:\Users\chandeln\MY-WORK\helloworld-api\2018-03-29_15-32-18.609453
15:32:18 WARNING: at path 'execution.0.scenario': scenario 'helloworld-api-perf-test' is used but isn't defined
15:32:18 INFO: Preparing...
15:32:19 WARNING: Could not find location at path: helloworld-api-perf-test
15:32:19 ERROR: Config Error: Scenario 'helloworld-api-perf-test' not found in scenarios: dict_keys(['quick-test'])
15:32:19 INFO: Post-processing...
15:32:19 INFO: Artifacts dir: C:\Users\chandeln\MY-WORK\helloworld-api\2018-03-29_15-32-18.609453
15:32:19 WARNING: Done performing with code: 1

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