jeudi 28 juin 2018

Generating unit php tests -> codecept.phar permission denied

I am trying to execute this command in console

test generate:test unit ClassName

Right after that, I get an error that says, " /Users/silversurfer/PhpstormProjects/Kalkulacka/codecept.phar generate:test unit Kalkulacka Cannot run program "/Users/silversurfer/PhpstormProjects/Kalkulacka/codecept.phar" (in directory "/Users/silversurfer/PhpstormProjects/Kalkulacka"): error=13, Permission denied"

ClassName is "Kalkulacka"

So I guess that the codecept.phat file does not have global permission. I could not find anything about it on the internet. Could you please help me with this problem ? Thanks. I am using PhpStorm and mac os X.

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