mardi 28 août 2018

Clicking on choosen coordinates in WebGL (canvas)

I am working with an app which embeds a WebGL Player.

  <div class="application_layout">
    <header class="header clearfix">
      <nav class="header__left">
        <ul class="clearfix">
          <li class="menu__item menu__item--back">
          <a title="Back" class="link--back"></a>
    <div id="unity-webgl">
      <canvas style="cursor: default;" id="#canvas" width="1596" height="386"></canvas>

In my acceptance tests with RSpec and capybara I'm trying to simulate the click action on the page.

When doing

execute_script("$(document.elementFromPoint(100, 20).click();")
# the position of the "Back" link

everything is obviously working fine and the script is correctly clicking on the "Back" link.

But when trying to click on any area of the WebGL div with something like

var event = $.Event('click');
event.clientX = 200;
event.clientY = 100;

nothing is happening.

Is there any way to simulate the mouse click on the WebGL div?

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