mercredi 29 août 2018

Jest - Test if an array is empty or contains a certain object with

I'm quite new to Jest put couldn't find anything online in regards to the following scenario:

I want to test if an array is empty or contains objects of a certain structure. So in pseudo code it could be something like this:

expect([]).toHaveLength(0).or.arrayContaining(expect.toMatchObject({ foo: expect.any(String) })) => true

expect([{foo: 'bar'}]).toHaveLength(0).or.arrayContaining(expect.toMatchObject({ foo: expect.any(String) })) => true

expect([1]).toHaveLength(0).or.arrayContaining(expect.toMatchObject({ foo: expect.any(String) })) => false

Maybe I'm getting it wrong on the how things work in Jest, but to me my problem looks like an or-question.

Thanks for your help

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