jeudi 20 décembre 2018

TypeError: Method Promise.prototype.then called on incompatible receiver Proxy

to perform integration testing I used jasmine and puppeteer and since I am passing an educational course ,according to that ,I decided to use a js Proxy to encapsulate testing functionality but when I do my test I will encounter with the following error

TypeError: Method Promise.prototype.then called on incompatible receiver [object Object] 

here is my CustomPage class which is going to represent a chrome tab : const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

class CustomPage{
    static async build(){
        const browser =await  puppeteer.launch({headless:false});
        const page = browser.newPage();

        var customPage = new CustomPage(page);
        console.log("harchi run mishe")
        return new Proxy(customPage,{
                return (customPage[property]||page[property]||browser[property])
        //return proxy;

    constructor(page){ = page


and here is my header.spec.js file which is my test file.

const Page = require('./helpers/page');
var tab;

describe('header representation',()=>{
        tab =await;****here is the problem********
        await tab.goto('localhost:3000');

    it('should show header logo',async()=>{
        const text = await tab.$eval('a.brand-logo',(el)=>el.innerHTML);

I have actually convicted that my problem is with the specified line .it seems that js can't treat proxy as a Promise however I couldn't find any solution to that.

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