lundi 30 mars 2020

Fitnesse: Could not invoke constructor for CodecastPresentation[0]

I am trying to follow the CleanCoder Applied series by Uncle Bob Martin. He is using Fitnesse testing framework for the project. Github Repo

I am trying to emulate the Fitnesse test.

My CodeCastPresentation class is shown below:

package cleancoderscom.fixtures;

public class CodecastPresentation {
  public boolean loginUser(String username) {
    return false;

  public boolean createLicenseForViewing(String user, String codecast) {
    return false;

  public String presentationUser() {
    return "TILT";

  public boolean clearCodecasts() {
    return false;

  public int countOfCodecastsPresented() {
    return -1;

My Setup Fitnesse script is as follows: FitnesseRoot/CleanCoders/Setup/context.txt


|codecast presentation|

My class script is as follows: FitnesseRoot/CleanCoders/context.txt

!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
!path out/production/cleancoderscom

FitnesseRoot folder structure:

|   content.txt                                                                                                         
|   properties.xml                                                                                                      
|   |   content.txt                                                                                                     
|   |   properties.xml                                                                                                  
|   |                                                                                                                   
|   +---PresentCodecasts                                                                                                
|   |       content.txt                                                                                                 
|   |       properties.xml                                                                                              
|   |                                                                                                                   
|   +---PresentNoCodeCasts                                                                                              
|   |       content.txt                                                                                                 
|   |       properties.xml                                                                                              
|   |                                                                                                                   
|   \---ScenarioLibrary                                                                                                 
|           content.txt                                                                                                 
|           properties.xml                                                                                              


  1. Could not invoke constructor for CodecastPresentation[0] for Setup.library

  2. The instance scriptTableActor.clearCodecasts. does not exist for CodeCastPresentation

Note: 1. Using IntelliJ and Windows 2. My project is built by IntelliJ and my output directory is as follows:

<project root>

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