mardi 24 janvier 2017

Clearwater sip-stress

I deployed a Clearwater Cluster but when I start the stress test:

/usr/share/clearwater/bin/run_stress --sipp-output  demo.clearwater 400 10

there are unexepected messages:

Last Error: Aborting call on unexpected message for Call-Id '10-4484@127...
------------------------------ Scenario Screen -------- [1-9]: Change Screen --
Call-rate(length)   Port   Total-time  Total-calls  Remote-host
0.1(5000 ms)/1.000s   5061     141.75 s           10

0 new calls during 1.004 s period      1 ms scheduler resolution
0 calls (limit 1)                      Peak was 1 calls, after 13 s
1 Running, 2 Paused, 3 Woken up
0 dead call msg (discarded)            0 out-of-call msg (discarded)
3 open sockets

                             Messages  Retrans   Timeout   Unexpected-Msg
  INVITE ---------->         10        0         0
     100 <----------         10        0         0         0
     183 <----------         0         0         0         10

In the logs file I don't see any error. I can ping every node in the cluster with the dns. What else can I check?

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