mardi 24 janvier 2017

Submodul tests do not build the app first results in unknown TEST_HOST

Our project does have several submodules and i recognised that there is no test_host when running the tests in a clean workspace. After running it manually i found out, that the file which it takes to run the tests of the submodul is not exsisting. It is looking for the ../Intermediates/CodeCoverage/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/[appname].app and it is not existent. If i run the UI tests first it will create that build file. Therefore i can run the tests with no issue.

The App and the Framework itself is defined as target dependency. Copy Phase is empty. Everything else is "default".

So my question is, how to i get the test target to build the application first and then run the tests on the test host which then should be present in that folder?

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