vendredi 6 janvier 2017

Testing Vue.js components- Laravel Testing

I am looking at testing some Vue.js components, as part of a Laravel application. So, I have a component that is used in a blade template and makes a GET request during the mounted lifecycle hook. Say this request takes 800 ms. Is it possible to use phpunit in this situation- to check the resulting HTML after said request?

I tried using sleep(1) (yes, probably a horrible idea), to give the request time to finish up (not 100% on this methodology), but the expected text was not available on the page after this brief sleep.

Here is what I am hoping to do:

     ->visit('/teams/' . $team->slug . '/players'); // request is made when this route is hit.

$this->see('There are currently no players for this team.')
     ->see('There are currently no temporary players for this team.');

The see() calls resulted in error- the HTML was not present. I also checked- through the HTML output by phpunit on error, and all that is available in the HTML is what is inside of the blade template- the Vue component is not rendered at the point in which the see() call is made.

I suppose I am after some advice or direction.

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