mardi 28 juillet 2020

Can we override 'expect' method of testcafe's TestController

I am looking for a way to override expect method for TestController. My idea is existing tests whoever used t.expect method, I want to perform additional steps in those cases. I came up with below sample code but testcafe runtime fails with below error TypeError: Cannot read property '_expect$' of undefined

sample code attempting to override:

import { Selector } from "testcafe";

fixture`Getting Started`.page``;

test("My first test", async (t) => {
  t = modify(t);
  await t.typeText("#developer-name", "John Smith").click("#submit-button");

  // Use the assertion to check if the actual header text is equal to the expected one
  await t
    .eql("Thank you, John Smith!");

function modify(t) {
  let prevExpect = t.expect;
  t.expect = (param) => {
    console.log("modified expecte has been used");
    return prevExpect(param);
  return t;

Also, when using, It doesn't use my override expect. How to make it work in the call chain as well?

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