I was browsing shoulda matchers and context in order to refactor some text and make them more coincise and readable, but thorough, the documentation I could not find how to test this in specific:
(I'm following Hartl tutorial, and I'm trying to refactor in the Minitest way, not Rspec)
default_scope -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
has_one_attached :image
validates :image, content_type: { in: %w[image/jpeg image/gif image/png],
message: 'must be a valid image format' },
size: { less_than: 5.megabytes,
strong textmessage: 'should be less than 5MB' }
attr_accessor :remember_token, :activation_token, :reset_token
before_save :downcase_email
before_create :create_activation_digest
test 'feed should have the right posts' do
michael = users(:michael)
archer = users(:archer)
lana = users(:lana)
# Posts from followed user
lana.microposts.each do |post_following|
assert michael.feed.include?(post_following)
# Self-posts for user with followers
michael.microposts.each do |post_self|
assert michael.feed.include?(post_self)
# Self-posts for user with no followers
archer.microposts.each do |post_self|
assert archer.feed.include?(post_self)
# Posts from unfollowed user
archer.microposts.each do |post_unfollowed|
assert_not michael.feed.include?(post_unfollowed)
resources :account_activations, only: [:edit]
resources :password_resets, only: %i[new create edit update]
resources :microposts, only: %i[create destroy]
resources :relationships, only: %i[create destroy]
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