vendredi 31 juillet 2020

Tests failing after adding react-remove-properties babel plugin

I am wanting to utilise the react-remove-properties babel plugin, however after introducing it, it seems to make my tests fail...

My simplified component

<div data-testid="my-tag">Hello world</div>

My simplified test

const provider = <Provider store={mockStore(store)}><MyComponent /></Provider>;
const {queryByTestId} = render(provider)

it('should display tag text', () => {
    expect(queryByTestId('my-tag').textContent).toBe('Hello world');

Before adding the babel plugin, this test passed!

After adding the plugin to remove the data-testid tags, the test is failing with:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'textContent' of null

      32 |             const {queryByTestId} = render(provider);
      33 | 
    > 34 |             expect(queryByTestId('my-tag').textContent).toBe('Hello world');
         |                    ^
      35 | 
      36 |         });

It seems that the babel plugin is running before my test and removing the data-testid tags first, so they cannot be found during testing.

Can anybody offer any advice on how to rectify this?

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