mercredi 29 juillet 2020

Flask redirect location has blueprint name. Get route path from redirect location path

I am testing redirects in my flask application. The application has multiple blueprints. The concerned route is in page blueprint while the final route is in user blueprint.

The route in question looks as -

def home():
    if current_user.is_authenticated:
        return redirect('user.welcome')
    return render_template('page/home.html')

The test looks as below.

def test_home_page_redirects_to_user_welcome_view_for_logged_in_user(client, user):
    # create the user and also logs him in'
    response ='user.signup'), data=user)

    response = client.get(url_for('page.home'))
    assert response.status_code == 302
    assert urlparse(response.location).path == url_for('user.welcome')

The error I'm facing is that the response.location has the blueprint name in it. That is

response.location = ''

which is causing the test to fail. The redirection is to the correct page, but the path returned by response.location is what i'm trying to fix. Is there a fix or any workaround? Thanks for taking the time to answer.

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