lundi 27 juillet 2020

CommonJS and Jest Mocking - Exported Function not being mocked

I'm having trouble mocking specific functions within my modules using commonjs

example module db.js

function createDefaultProfile(user_id) {
 return { version: 1, username: user_id };

function updateOrCreateProfile(user_id, profile) {
  if (profile && profile.credential_id) return null; //no need to update
  if (!profile) profile = createDefaultProfile(user_id);
  if (!profile.credential_id) {
    //update profile with key

module.exports = {createDefaultProfile, updateOrCreateProfile }

example test file try 1:

describe("updateOrCreateUser()", () => {
  const db = require('../db.js')

  it("should call createDefaultProfile() when no profile is provided", () => {
    db.createDefaultProfile = jest.fn()

example test file try 2:

describe("updateOrCreateUser()", () => {
  jest.mock('../db', () => {
    // Require the original module to not be mocked...
    const originalModule = jest.requireActual('../db');

    return {
      __esModule: true, // Use it when dealing with esModules
      createDefaultProfile: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('arbitrary value'),

  const db = require('../db.js')

  it("should call createDefaultProfile() when no profile is provided", () => {

both return the wrong values as the mocked module never gets called.. in both instances it seems as if the scope of the mocked module is not correct...

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