mardi 8 septembre 2020

Automated Test - Requirement mapping for requirements traceability

We are trying to automated the linking of our tests to our tickets for reporting purposes. We have a naming convention where our test is named 12345_test_abc and we want that linked to ticket 12345.

We have been able to either link them manually after each run, or to do that automatically by using APIs to work our way back from a test result and link it to a ticket.

Does this capability exist out of the box or is our API workaround the only way to automatically link them?

I have looked at all documentation including:

but it all seems to require manual linking. Does this really not work out of the box and are there no plugins that can accomplish this type of linkage? This ticket also suggests there isn't an out of the box solution..

Question # 2: Once those tickets are linked (either via the API or manually) how do you report on traceability? Is the only option to use the widget for the dashboard (which is very limited)?

I have seen people using PowerBI and other tools to report on this, are there no built in reports that can accomplish the creation of a traceability report?

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