mardi 31 mars 2015

How can i compare the arrays userResponse and correctAnswers in the gradeAnswers function. It is the only pary not functioning properly

def main():

correctAnswers = ['B','D','A','A','C',

userResponse = userAnswers()
correct = gradeAnswers(correctAnswers, userResponse)

#function to obtain the users input for answers and put in an array
def userAnswers():

answers = 1

userResponse = ['','','','','','','','','','',

for answers in range (20):
print('What is the answer to number ',\
answers + 1, '? ',sep='',end='')
userResponse[answers] = str(input())

return userResponse

#function to calculates the amount of correct answers and displays such
def gradeAnswers(correctAnswers, userResponse):
correct = 1
incorrect = 0
index = 1
for correct in range (20):

if userResponse[correct] == correctAnswers[index]:
index += 1
correct += 1**

print('You answered',correct, 'out of 20 questions correctly')

return correct***

#function to determine and display wether the user passed or failed
def passFail(correct):

if correct >= 15:
print('You passed. Good Job')
print('You failed. Do Better')


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