mardi 25 février 2020

Can I switch on cy.wait() timeout instead of it asserting a fail?

I have a cypress test which is highlighting an issue with a cold start lambda. However, having proven the issue, I want the test to pass, handling the cold-start and retrying, until the cold-start issue is resolved.

If I could make cy.wait() not throw a failure assertion (therefore not stopping the test) I could switch on the status of the xhr response to try in x amount of time. e.g.;

context("upload trades", () => {
    specify("handling cold-start delay", () => {
      // attempt system action which will "warm up" cold lambdas

      // implicitly wait for timeout to occur when posting trade list
      cy.wait("@postTradeLists").then(request => {
        // handle cold start
        if (request.status !== 200) {
            "non-200 response; assuming cold start, adding delay and trying again"

          // refresh page to re-load Trade Uploads page
          // given lambda's now hot


          // wait for second post, anticipating 200 response (hot-start)

      // check file uploaded successfully
      cy.contains("File uploaded successfully").should("be.visible");

However, this currently fails on the line cy.wait("@postTradeLists") when 504 response (or more likely, the 30000ms timeout) resolves from the server.

Is there a way to do this that I am not aware of? Excessive googling is yielding no results. Thank you.

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