I have a carousel image which varies depends on the customer GUID I am viewing. So far I have made this work. But when I put that in the for loop, it is not working.
Here is my code:
var date = element(by.css('i.icon.left-arrow'));
browser.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(date), 30000, "Date Range is still not clickable");
date.click(); // This works but this will go back only once.
I have this for loop: To identify all the elements and click through the image. Is this correct way of identifying in angular? Please advise.
var backArrow = element.all(by.css('i.icon.left-arrow'));
for (var i=0;i<backArrow.length;i++) {
Here is the element: This depends on the customer I am viewing. The images can vary anywhere between 1 to 50:
<i class="icon left-arrow"></i>
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