mardi 25 février 2020

How to test ODBC deriver conformance?

Say there is an open-source ODBC driver for a specific database and one wants to test its level of support of ODBC standard, what would you recommend?

Is there an easy way (hell, even a hard way is fine too) to do that ?

The best is a some sort of a test suite that will show what ODBC APIs are implemented, not implemented or implemented incorrectly. Preferable cross-platform (Linux, Windows and MacOS), but Linux-only is fine too.

I've tried to go with unixODBC-Test (, but it seems unmaintained and a bit outdated, to the point that I was unable to compile it from source for various reasons.

iODBC ( seems to not provide any complience-testing tools at all, which makes me sad.

I was able to google some books and software magazines, which mention that it is really important and should be done, but still there is no unified way of doing such a fundamental thing.

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