vendredi 28 février 2020

@QuarkusTest - implementing an interface with annotation @RegisterRestClient, in test - fails the test

I'm using Quarkus 1.2.0.Final.

I have the following REST client:

@RegisterRestClient(configKey = "<some key>")
public interface SomeClient {

    @Path("<some path>")
    SomeResponse someMethod(SomeRequest request);


This bean is used in my other beans as a dependency.

And I have the following test case:

class SomeTest {
    void testGetTransactions() { }

class SomeClientImpl implements SomeClient {

    public SomeResponse someMethod(SomeRequest request) {
        // <the implementation doesn't matter>
        return null;

The test is failing with the following exception:

Suppressed: javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: Unsatisfied dependency for type com.example.client.SomeClient and qualifiers [@RestClient]

Why the test is failing? If I remove the class class SomeClientImpl implements SomeClient {...} the test is passing. So implementing an interface leads to test failing, which is weird.

Update 1:

I tried the next code and I'm getting the same exception:

class TransactionServiceImplTest {

    void testGetTransactions() {
        new SomeClient() {

            public SomeResponse someMethod(SomeRequest request) {
                // <the implementation doesn't matter>
                return null;

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