samedi 4 juillet 2020

How to mock moment() in jest testing

I need run some testing using jest and moment. Some of the imported functions work with moment current date (moment() ). But I can't seem to find a way of always run the same date for testing or mock moment constructor, like pin moment date at moment('2020-07-05'), even if current day is 2020-07-10, so the test should always run under day 5.

My ./UtilsModule file:

export const getIntervalDates = groupOfDates => {
   const CURRENT_DATE = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
   return getDates(CURRENT_DATE, groupOfDates );

export const nextDates = (date, group) => {
  let newDate= getIntervalDates(group);

My test.js file, and what i tried for:

it('testing function', () => {
      const PAYLOAD = {...};
      const DATE= '2020-07-20';

      const SpyGetIntervalDates = jest.spyOn(UtilsModule, 'getIntervalDates');
      SpyGetIntervalDates.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({ minAge: '2020-08-04' }));

      const nextDate = UtilsModule.nextDates (DATE, PAYLOAD);
      expect(nextDate).toEqual({ minDate: '2020-11-04' });

I also tried, but i couldn't make it to work :

jest.mock('moment', () => {
  return () => jest.requireActual('moment')('2020-07-04');

global.moment = jest.fn(moment('2021-07-04'));

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