I'm trying to add some test to a Component that shows it's data from an Observable. The test mocks the observable with jest.doMock, but it doesn't seem it's doing anything once the test run.
This is the error message,
● Display History › should render history elements
TypeError: Cannot read property 'textContent' of null
37 | });
38 |
> 39 | expect(container.querySelector('[data-testid="0"]').textContent).toEqual(
| ^
40 | 'verlassen'
41 | );
42 |
at Object.test (src/modules/RxjsApproach/tests/DisplayHistory.test.tsx:39:12)
The component to test,
import { history$ } from '../service/LanguageState';
const DisplayHistory: React.SFC<DisplayHistoryProps> = () => {
const history = useObservable(history$) || [];
return (
<StyledDrawer variant="permanent" open>
<HistoryTitle> Search history</HistoryTitle>
.map((word, i) => (
The class which stores the observable
type stateType = {
history: String[];
languageInput: String;
languageOuput: String;
export const state = {
history: [],
languageInput: '',
languageOuput: ''
} as stateType;
export const selectedWord$ = new BehaviorSubject('');
export const history$ = selectedWord$.pipe(
tap((word: string) => word ? state.history = [...state.history, word] : null),
mapTo(() => [...state.history] ),
export const selectWordAction = (word: string) => {
And here's the test I'm trying to write,
let container: any = null;
beforeEach(() => {
container = document.createElement('div');
afterEach(() => {
container = null;
test('should render history elements', async () => {
const fakeHistory = ['verstehen', 'verlassen'];
jest.doMock('../service/LanguageState', () => ({
history$: from([fakeHistory])
history$.subscribe(_ => console.log('test history', _))
await act(async () => {
render(<DisplayHistory />, container);
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