vendredi 17 juillet 2020

Sending value with fireEvent

I'm using the fireEvent from @testing-library/react. I declared a react component as follows:

const CustomParamTest = () => {
  onButtonClick(customParam) {

  return (
        onClick={(customParam) => onButtonClick(customParam) }
        Custom param

I have this test:

describe('basic test', () => {
  test('items should be empty', () => {
    const { getByTestId } = render(<CustomParamTest />);

    const customButton = getByTestId('custom-param-button');;

What I want to achive is to send a custom parameter with the click event, something like this:, myCustomParameter);

I want to access the myCustomParameter inside my onButtonClick function. I could make it work as follow but I want a better solution:

I created a custom click event like this:

const customEvent =, { button: 2 });
customEvent.myCustomProp = 'customValue';, customEvent);

And in my component I can access this value like this:

onClick={(e) => console.log(e.nativeEvent.myCustomProp)}

I feel like there should be a better way to do this.

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