lundi 29 décembre 2014

RhinoMock in Specification.Machine, expectation violation expected 1, get 0

I have a problem with mocking my interface, I want to check if the method of my interface is call, so my interface/class looks like this:

IMyInterface Method(string lel);

MyClass : MyInteface
public override IMyInterface Method(string lel)
//do something;

private IMyInterface _instance;
public void AnotherMethod()
//do something with this instance of IMyInstance

and my test class looks like this:

abstract class AnotherClassTest : AnotherClass
protected static IMyInterface MyInterface;
Establish context = () =>
MyInterface =<IMyInterface>(); // MockRepository.GenerateStrictMock<IMyInterface>(); this also doesn't work properly.
MyInterface.Stub(x => x.Method("lel")).IgnoreArguments().Return(MyInterface);

class When_cos_tam_cos_tam : AnotherClassTest
Establish context = () =>
//MyInterface.Stub(x => x.Method("lel")).IgnoreArguments().Return(MyInterface);
Because of = () => sut.AnotherMethod();
It Should_cos_tam = () => MyInterface.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Method("lel"));

And I'm getting following error:

Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException' occurred in Rhino.Mocks.dll
IMyInterface.Method("lel")); Expected #1, Actual #0.

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