lundi 29 décembre 2014

Turning Off Autocorrect on Internet Explorer by passing in parameter in webdriver/protractor?

I am testing on IE11 (Windows7) using Protractor 1.5.0, and my tests are failing because the text that I post on a message forum are being autocorrected. Is there a way to turn off autocorrect by tweaking something in my config file? Such a tweak would be ideal since I'm experiencing the same issue when I run the tests remotely on Sauce Labs.

Not experiencing this issue on Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome.


Expected 'sint quis impedit officiis harum cupiditate facilis maiores aliquam repellendus ex voluptatem commode voluptatibus incident dolor' to equal 'sint quis impedit officiis harum cupiditate facilis maiores aliquam repellendus ex voluptatem commodi voluptatibus incidunt dolor'.

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