mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Adding interceptors on endpoints in a live camelContext without any CamelTestSupport

I am trying to add camel testcases for an application that will be deployed on fuse esb. I presently have testcases based on CamelBlueprintTestSupport. I add Interceptors on the routes and endpoints and do my assertions.

I am now exploring the possibility of doing similar testcases using pax-exam so that the testcase can run directly on the fuse environment. I have setup my configuration for pax exam so that it loads all my bundles and config files and the camel routes are up and running.

But since I have to use the camelContext provided by my bundle, I can no longer use CamelBlueprintTestSupport or CamelTestSupport for that matter as both of these will create their own contexts rather than use the one provided by my OSGI bundle.

public class XyzIT extends PaxEndToEndTestSupport{  

protected BundleContext bundleContext;

protected MockEndpoint some_endpoint;

protected CamelContext camelContext;

public void configureCamelContext(){        

        this.camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
            public void configure() throws Exception {                  
    catch(Exception ex){


public void xyzTest() throws Exception {

    //Some Test



In such a scenario, How do I modify the camelContext provided by my bundle and add interceptors to it. I cannot set the isUseAdviceWith flag and so no advices will work. May be I am not supposed to use PAX-Exam in this way but is there any way to coax CamelContext to add intercepts or modify it in anyway without CamelTestSupport.

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