vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Unit testing Collection in Java

I have a unit test that will allow me to iterate through a Collection object containing a list of vehicle. Upon each iteration, I want to check to see if the vehicle is an instance of automobile. So my code looks a bit like this:

public class VehicleChecker {
    protected boolean checkVehicles(Garage garage) {
        for (Vehicle vehicle : garage.getVehicles() {
            if (vehicle instanceof Automobile) return true;

So I wrote my code accordingly:

@Mock private Garage mockGarage;
@Mock private VehicleCollection mockVehicleCollection;
@Mock private VehicleCollectionIterator mockVehicleCollectionIterator;
@Mock private Vehicle mockVehicle;

public void testCheckVehicles() {

    VehicleChecker testObject = new vehicleChecker();


    boolean result = testObject.checkVehicles(mockGarage);

    assertEquals(true, result);

The problem occurs with the verify statement. Based on how it was written, the test should pass. When I step through the code, however, I the code just skips the for loop entirely. Why is that? Is there a difference in the way one iterates through a Collection as opposed to an ArrayList? If so, how do I properly mock that interaction?

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