lundi 26 juin 2017

Qt Auto-UI Testing stopping because of messagebox. How to simulate enter on messagebox?

My task is to write an automated UI test for a software being developed. It happens so, that there are radiobuttons triggering a messagebox, which stops my automated test until I manually confirm it (pressing ENTER). The issue is that I do not know how I can call that newly summoned messagebox and then have it confirmed by QTest::keyClick(<object>, QtKey::Key_Enter); and have my automated test continue the run.

I am using QWidgets, QApplication, Q_OBJECT and QtTest. I will provide a code similar to what I am working with:

void testui1(){
Form1* myform = new Form1();
QTest::mouseClick(myform->radioButton01, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, QPoint(), 100);
// Message box pops up and stops the operation until confirmed
QTest::mouseClick(myform->radioButton02, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, QPoint(), 100);
// again

How exactly can I script to confirm the message box automatically? The message box is only an [OK] type, so I don't need it to return whether I have pressed Yes or No. A QTest::keyClick(<target object>, Qt::Key_Enter) method needs to know to which object it should press enter to. I tried including myform into the object and it did not work. Googling I did not find the answer. I found the following result as not functioning for what I am looking for

QWidgetList allToplevelWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
foreach (QWidget *w, allToplevelWidgets) {
    if (w->inherits("QMessageBox")) {
        QMessageBox *mb = qobject_cast<QMessageBox *>(w);
        QTest::keyClick(mb, Qt::Key_Enter);

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