mercredi 30 octobre 2019

gstreamer hlssink is not creating a m3u file or multiple ts files - instead one gigaintic ts file

when running gstreamer with udp receiver pipeline the hls sink creates one gigantic file instead of creating multiple files

I want to stream the audio test source over the network, then at the receiving end save multiple files with playlist file using hlssink


gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc wave=8  ! rawaudioparse use-sink-caps=false format=pcm pcm-format=u8 sample-rate=8000 num-channels=1 ! rtpL8pay ! udpsink host= port=16504


gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=16504 caps="application/x-rtp" ! queue ! rtppcmudepay ! mulawdec ! hlssink max-files=5

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