mardi 29 octobre 2019

Jest - Snapshot test fail

I am receiving the error below after running Jest. I dont have much experience using Jest so hoping someone can please provide information on why this test is failing.

Results: Jest test result:

- Snapshot
+ Received
- <span
-   className="icon icon-dismiss size-2x "
-   style={
-     Object {
-       "color": "inherit",
+ <Fragment>
+   <span
+     className="icon icon-dismiss size-2x "
+     style={
+       Object {
+         "color": "inherit",
+       }
-   }
-   title=""
- />
+     title=""
+   />
+ </Fragment>

  26 |     };
  27 |     const wrapper = shallow(<Icon {...props} />);
> 28 |     expect(toJson(wrapper)).toMatchSnapshot();
     |                             ^
  29 |   });
  30 | });

Here is the test file: Test File


describe('Snapshot test - <Icon />', () => {
  it('renders Icon correctly in clean state', () => {
    const props = {
      icon: 'dismiss',
    const wrapper = shallow(<Icon {...props} />);
  it('renders Icon correctly when colour provided', () => {
    const props = {
      icon: 'dismiss',
      color: '#000000',
    const wrapper = shallow(<Icon {...props} />);


Here is the component file: component.js

class Icon extends React.PureComponent<IconProps> {
  render() {
    const {
      className, icon, size, colour, style, title,
    } = this.props;

    return (
        {icon === 'spinner' ? <LoadingSpinnerSmall /> : (
            className={`${css.icon} ${css[`icon-${icon}`]} ${css[`size-${size}`]} ${className}`}

export default Icon;

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