vendredi 30 octobre 2020

How can I test the BeforeInstallPromptEvent in Jasmine/Angular?

I'm writing a test for a dialog component, that handles the PWA install event prompted manually when a function is called. It will then resolve the promise coming back from the BeforeInstallPromptEvent.userChoice property.

However when I try to test this function I get an error from jasmine:

'userChoice.then is not a function'

Which I understand since I tried spying on that with a spyOn to then check the result.

I tried a few other things with Promises, since the userChoice returns a resolved promise ( but nothing has worked so far.

This is the function I am trying to test. The BeforeInstallPromptEvent is stored in the installEvent object that gets passed down to the component from the app.ts and then stored in data.
            .then((choiceResult) => {
                if (choiceResult.outcome === 'accepted') {

In my test spec I created a mockData object with the following:

const mockData = {
  installEvent: {
    prompt: () => {},
    userChoice: Promise.resolve().then(() => {
      return { choiceResult: { outcome: "accepted" } };

My test spec so far (after many different tries) is either this:

it("should do something after user accepted", fakeAsync(() => {
 mockData.installEvent.userChoice.then((result) => {
      return result.choiceResult.outcome;
//this test returns true
//but the function gets never called

Or with the spyOn function on the userChoice that produces the error:

it("should do something after user accepted", () => {
spyOn(mockData.installEvent, "userChoice").and.returnValue("accepted");


With that I managed to already test that the data.installEvent.prompt function is getting called.

But I don't know how to test that the userChoice Promise resolves to "accepted" and then triggers the if condition.

Please help me. Since I am a beginner regarding testing (in Angular) it would be nice to get an explanation of the method behind testing such Promises.

Thank you very much in advance!

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