vendredi 30 octobre 2020

How to know if a sample belongs to a new probability distribution?

I am trying to see if a sample (DemMesReal) belongs to a new discrete probability distribution (DemMesDistr).

This is the code I have made, however I do not know how to continue to do it. I've already thought about bootstrap, but I only want to see if the sample belongs to the probability distribution. The probability distribution returns 12 values for each sample (the same length of the original sample).

# Define seed
# Original Sample
DemMesReal <- c(0, 230,   0,   0,   0, 151,   0,   0, 150,   0, 150,   0)

MonthsYear <- length(DemMesReal)
# Initial parameters
unif1min <- min(DemMesReal[which(DemMesReal>0)])
unif1max <- max(DemMesReal[which(DemMesReal>0)])
pber1 <- sum(DemMesReal==0)/MonthsYear

# Distribucion de probabilidad demanda mensual estocastica
DemMesDistr <- function(n=1, unif1min = 0, unif1max = 300, 
                        pber1=0, MonthsYear=12) {

# DemandaMensual Estocastica Resultados:
DemMesProb <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=MonthsYear)

for (j in 1:n){
# MONTHLY DEMAND: Bernouilli and Discrete uniform1

for (i in 1:MonthsYear) {
  # Bernouilli (inflated 0 Most of the days the products are not ordered)
  ber <- rbern(n=1, prob=1-pber1) # Most of the days of the month (70%) the customer does not order the product
  # Uniform1
  # If bernouilli distribution gives 1 (that month, the product analysed is ordered):
  if (ber==1) {DemMonth <- rdunif(n=1, min=unif1min, max=unif1max)}  # min=0 or 1 is not a problem: we re working with approx. (if 1 and unif2max=0: NA generated)
  # If bernouilli distribution gives 0 (that day the product is not ordered)
  if (ber==0) {DemMonth <- 0}
  # Monthly demand in Month i
  DemMesProb[j,i] <- DemMonth

# Probabilistic function obtaining 1000 samples
DemProb <- DemMesDistr(n=1000, unif1min, unif1max, pber1)
DemMesDistrVect <- as.vector(DemProb)
hist(DemMesDistrVect, freq=FALSE, breaks=10, main="Demanda Estocástica")
hist(DemMesReal, freq=FALSE, breaks=10, main="Demanda Real")

# Same number of Zeros

I do not know what to do more than the code I've made, to know if the sample belongs to the probability distribution (I can simulate lots of samples with the distribution).

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