jeudi 21 mai 2015

How to extract weekly report and log from a test under execution for 60 days in Robot Framework

I am running a performance/reliability/stress(P/S/R) testing script in my SUT(system under test) using Robot Framework and some internal libraries (e.g. s2l, os, bulletin, collection, datetime and some own in-house libraries), and which need to run for 60 days to measure the expected P/S/R parameters.I know after completing its 60 days execution (if the SUT is not interrupted by any system or networking issues), i will get log and report file. But, i have a requirement of getting its weekly execution status as log file or report file.

Is there any way to do this in Robot Framework,i am using robot framework only for my testing.Is there any internal/external libraries available (apart from bulletin library) to do this efficiently.

Or, can i include a python script and include the script in the test ENV, if so how can i do this, Any suggestions.

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