mardi 5 mai 2015

Is it a good idea to iterate through several browsers in one test using Selenium WebDriver?

I am trying to run a simple test on multiple browsers, here is a mock up of the code I've got:

String url = "";
WebDriver[] drivers = { new FireFoxDriver(), new InternetExplorerDriver, 
                        newChromDriver() };

public void testTitle() {

     for (int i = 0; i < drivers.length; i++) {

         // navigate to the desired url 

         // assert that the page title starts with foo

         // close current browser session

     }// end for

}// end test

For some reason this code is opening multiple browsers seemingly before the first iteration of loop is completed. What is actually happening here? and what is a good/better way to do this?

Please understand that I am by no means a professional programmer, and I am also brand new to using Selenium, so if what I am attempting is generally bad practice please let me know, but please don't be rude about it. I will respect your opinion much more if you are respectful in your answers.

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