mardi 11 février 2020

How to use Jasmine.js spy on a required function

I have this code (Node.js):

File: utils.js

// utils.js
const foo = () => {
    // ....

const bar = () => {
    // ....

module.exports = { foo, bar }

File: myModule.js

// myModule.js
const {
} = require('./utils');

const bizz = () => {
    let fooResult = foo()
    return bar(fooResult)

module.exports = { bizz }

File: myModule.spec.js

// myModule.spec.js
const { bizz } = require('./myModule');
describe('myModule', () => {

    it('bizz should return bla bla bla', () => {
        let foo = jasmine.createSpy('foo').and.returnValue(true)
        let bar = jasmine.createSpy('bar').and.callFake((data) => {
            return 'fake-data'


I'm trying to test bizz using spies on foo and bar functions but it's not working well.

Can anyone explain to me how to create spies on these functions with the purpose to test bizz??

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