Following up on this question, I am trying to add one more layer of difficulty.
I have a data.frame
that looks like this:
> set.seed(123)
> mydf <- data.frame(Marker=rep(c('M1','M2'),each=15),
+ Patient=rep(rep(c('P1','P2','P3'),each=5),2),
+ Value=sample(1:1000, 30, replace = F))
> mydf
Marker Patient Value
1 M1 P1 288
2 M1 P1 788
3 M1 P1 409
4 M1 P1 881
5 M1 P1 937
6 M1 P2 46
7 M1 P2 525
8 M1 P2 887
9 M1 P2 548
10 M1 P2 453
11 M1 P3 948
12 M1 P3 449
13 M1 P3 670
14 M1 P3 566
15 M1 P3 102
16 M2 P1 993
17 M2 P1 243
18 M2 P1 42
19 M2 P1 323
20 M2 P1 996
21 M2 P2 872
22 M2 P2 679
23 M2 P2 627
24 M2 P2 972
25 M2 P2 640
26 M2 P3 691
27 M2 P3 530
28 M2 P3 579
29 M2 P3 282
30 M2 P3 143
What I want to do, is to run t.test
for each Patient combination (my grouping variable), on a Marker basis (my ID variable).
Based on one answer to the related question above, I know how to do it for one Marker at a time.
I can subset mydf
and do the following:
> params_list <- utils::combn(levels(mydf$Patient), 2, FUN = list)
> mydf0 <- subset(mydf, Marker=="M1")
> model_t <- purrr::map(.x = params_list,
+ .f = ~ t.test(formula = Value ~ Patient,
+ data = subset(mydf0, Patient %in% .x)))
> t_pvals <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = model_t, .f = "p.value")
> names(t_pvals) <- purrr::map_chr(.x = params_list, .f = ~ paste0(.x, collapse = "-vs-"))
> t_pvals
P1-vs-P2 P1-vs-P3 P2-vs-P3
0.3945742 0.5678729 0.7820905
Now I want to do it for all Markers in mydf
in an elegant way, and I chose data.table
I try the following, but I cannot reproduce the above pvalue results for Marker M1.
> group1 <- unlist(lapply(params_list, '[', 1))
> group2 <- unlist(lapply(params_list, '[', 2))
> mydt <- data.table::data.table(mydf)
> results_df <-[, list(group1= unlist(lapply(params_list, '[', 1)),
+ group2= unlist(lapply(params_list, '[', 2)),
+ pvalue= purrr::map_dbl(.x = purrr::map(.x = params_list,
+ .f = ~ stats::t.test(formula = Value ~ Patient, paired=FALSE,
+ data = subset(mydt, Patient %in% .x))), .f = "p.value") ),
+ by=list(Marker=Marker)])
> results_df
Marker group1 group2 pvalue
1 M1 P1 P2 0.8092365
2 M1 P1 P3 0.5156313
3 M1 P2 P3 0.2879954
4 M2 P1 P2 0.8092365
5 M2 P1 P3 0.5156313
6 M2 P2 P3 0.2879954
The structure of results_df
is exactly as I want it, but the pvalues are clearly wrong. They are not the same as the ones in the test above for M1, and they are identical for M1 and M2, meaning the same data subset is used in both cases.
I figured I should subset for each Marker as well in the subset
command, so I did this instead:
> markers_list <- as.list(levels(mydf$Marker))
> mydt <- data.table::data.table(mydf)
> results_df <-[, list(group1= unlist(lapply(params_list, '[', 1)),
+ group2= unlist(lapply(params_list, '[', 2)),
+ pvalue= purrr::map_dbl(.x = purrr::map(.x = params_list, .y = markers_list,
+ .f = ~ stats::t.test(formula = Value ~ Patient, paired=FALSE,
+ data = subset(mydt, Patient %in% .x & Marker==.y))), .f = "p.value") ),
+ by=list(Marker=Marker)])
> results_df
Marker group1 group2 pvalue
1 M1 P1 P2 0.7337355
2 M1 P1 P3 0.6930669
3 M1 P2 P3 0.3788015
4 M2 P1 P2 0.7337355
5 M2 P1 P3 0.6930669
6 M2 P2 P3 0.3788015
I thought this would be it, but still I'm getting incorrect pvalues, and identical for both M1 and M2 (same data subset still being used for both)...
So now I'm clueless... What am I doing wrong here? What would be the way to do it?
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