jeudi 13 février 2020

Why are tests not evaluating properly even if the function is working properly?

I have added MSTests to my C# WinForms project. To test if they are working right, I wanted to test the following function:

public static bool IsValidEmail(string email)
    return new EmailAddressAttribute().IsValid(email);

To do this I have written these two tests:

public void Test_IsValidEmail_True()
    Assert.IsTrue(IsValidEmail(""),"Good mail test");
public void Test_IsValidEmail_False()
    Assert.IsFalse(IsValidEmail("test@test"), "Bad mail test");

The function works correctly and checks if the email is correct. However the second test passes only if I input it with for example "test", but if I input "test@test" it will not pass and outputs:

Message: Assert.IsFalse failed. Bad mail test

Why is this test failing?

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