I'm currently working on a Spring Boot CRUD RESTful API with an User entity that consists of two parameters : name
and id
. Its endpoints are :
- POST REQUEST IN /users - Create an user
- GET REQUEST IN /users/{id} - List a specific user by its id
- GET REQUEST IN /users - List all users
- PUT REQUEST IN /users/{id} - Update a specific user by its id
- DELETE REQUEST IN /users/{id} - Delete a specific user by its id
Each endpoint is built with a controller and a service to implement its logic.
I've already wrote unit tests for my controllers and services, now i'm trying to build integration tests to assert that my endpoints work properly as a group of components.
No mocking involved, all this will be done by using the TestRestTemplate and asserting that every operation was executed correctly and every response checked with its expected value.
The following are the tests I've already built :
@SpringBootTest(classes = UsersApiApplication.class,
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class UserControllerTest {
private int port;
TestRestTemplate restTemplate = new TestRestTemplate();
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
private void instantiateNewUser() {
User userNumberFour = new User();
ResponseEntity<User> responseEntity = restTemplate
.postForEntity(createURLWithPort("/users"), userNumberFour, User.class);
public void createNewUserTest() {
User testUser = new User();
testUser.setName("Test User");
ResponseEntity<User> responseEntity = restTemplate
.postForEntity(createURLWithPort("/users"), testUser, User.class);
assertEquals(201, responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue());
assertEquals(responseEntity.getBody(), testUser);
public void listSpecificUserTest() throws JSONException {
HttpEntity<String> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(null, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(
HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, String.class);
String expectedResponseBody = "{id:4,name:Four}";
assertEquals(200, responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue());
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedResponseBody, responseEntity.getBody(), false);
public void listAllUsersTest() throws JSONException {
HttpEntity<String> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(null, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(
HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, String.class);
//All instantiated users
ArrayList<String> expectedResponseBody = new ArrayList<>(Collections.emptyList());
assertEquals(200, responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue());
JSONAssert.assertEquals(String.valueOf(expectedResponseBody), responseEntity.getBody(), false);
public void deleteSpecificUserTest() throws JSONException {
HttpEntity<String> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(null, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(
HttpMethod.DELETE, httpEntity, String.class);
assertEquals(204, responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue());
JSONAssert.assertEquals(null, responseEntity.getBody(), false);
private String createURLWithPort(String uri) {
return "http://localhost:" + port + uri;
As you can see, it's missing the PUT request method test, which is the update endpoint. To implement its logic, i need to send a message body with the content that will override the old users characteristics, but how?
This is what i made so far :
public void updateSpecificUserTest() throws JSONException {
HttpEntity<String> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(null, headers);
ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(
HttpMethod.PUT, httpEntity, String.class);
String expectedResponseBody = "{id:4,name:Four Updated}";
assertEquals(200, responseEntity.getStatusCodeValue());
JSONAssert.assertEquals(expectedResponseBody, responseEntity.getBody(), false);
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