I'm using the Navigation component for my two DialogFragments and when I press a button on the first DialogFragment it is dismissed and then the second one is shown. I need to test that clicking this button will take me to the second dialog. I have a simple home fragment that is overlayed by the first DialogFragment at the start of the app. The following code is from the first DialogFragment.
* Redirects users to another dialog after pressing button
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
button.setOnClickListener {
if (findNavController().currentDestination?.id == R.id.firstDialogFragment) {
val action = HomeFragmentDirections.actionHomeFragmentToSecondDialogFragment()
This next bit of code comes from the developer's guide and only checks for the behavior of dismissing a DialogFragment back to the previous Fragment.
class MyTestSuite {
@Test fun testDismissDialogFragment() {
// Assumes that "MyDialogFragment" extends the DialogFragment class.
with(launchFragment<MyDialogFragment>()) {
onFragment { fragment ->
// Assumes that the dialog had a button
// containing the text "Cancel".
I need some way to test the behavior of a DialogFragment's button and see that it dismisses itself and starts the second DialogFragment.
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