lundi 29 juin 2020

How to run SpecFlow tests in parallel

I try to run SpecFlow tests with NUnit test runner in parallel. I am using:

  • C# / .Net Core 3.1
  • NUnit as testrunner
  • Specflow

I have added this line on top of a file (as describe here:

[assembly: Parallelizable(ParallelScope.All)]

Tests start to execute in parallel but immediately throw an error:

    System.ArgumentException : An item with the same key has already been added. Key: NUnitTestProject1.SpecFlowFeature1Steps
Stack Trace: 
    Dictionary`2.TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior)
    Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
    TypeRegistration.Resolve(ObjectContainer container, RegistrationKey keyToResolve, ResolutionList resolutionPath)
    ObjectContainer.ResolveObject(RegistrationKey keyToResolve, ResolutionList resolutionPath)
    ObjectContainer.Resolve(Type typeToResolve, ResolutionList resolutionPath, String name)
    ObjectContainer.Resolve(Type typeToResolve, String name)
    TestObjectResolver.ResolveBindingInstance(Type bindingType, IObjectContainer container)
    lambda_method(Closure , IContextManager , Int32 )
    BindingInvoker.InvokeBinding(IBinding binding, IContextManager contextManager, Object[] arguments, ITestTracer testTracer, TimeSpan& duration)
    TestExecutionEngine.ExecuteStepMatch(BindingMatch match, Object[] arguments)
    TestExecutionEngine.ExecuteStep(IContextManager contextManager, StepInstance stepInstance)
    SpecFlowFeature1Feature.AddTwoNumbers() line 8

I tried without SpecFlow (just raw NUnit) and it worked. I also tried with MSTest test runner but got the same exception.

I have made a very tiny example project which you can clone here:

Any help would be appreciated. :)

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