mardi 30 juin 2020

Where do I run asynchronous code required for test setup in Jest?

I want to dynamically run multiple tests in Jest inside a for-loop but I am not sure where to place the asynchronous code that my test environment requires.

One option that works is to place all asynchronous code inside a test function and execute an assert statement for each iteration of the for-loop.

 describe('Database Testing', () => {

   test(`Testing ${items}`, async () => {

     const items = await getItems(); //<-- asynchronous code

     for (const item of items) {


However, if the test fails, I will not be able to pinpoint which loop the assert statement failed in. Instead, I would like a structure similar to below where I dynamically run a test for each iteration of the for-loop.

 describe('Database Testing', () => {

   const items = await getItems(); //<-- asynchronous code

   for (const item of items) {

      test(`Testing ${item}`, async () => {

I am unable to run the asynchronous code due to the synchronous nature of the describe function. Yet, if I use the async keyword in the describe function, I get the error 'Returning a Promise from "describe" is not supported'.

Where should I run the asynchronous code?

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