vendredi 26 juin 2020

How to add test cases to Product Backlog Items in the Product backlog

I'm looking for a way to add test scenario's to Product Backlog Items, via the 'Boards - Backlog' view, instead from the 'Boards - Boards' view.

Boards - Boards view

Here I can click 'add test' to add a test scenario.

Boards - Backlog view

Here I don't have the ability to add a test scenario.

I'm looking for a way to make my tests, linked to the Product Backlog Items, but do it based per Epic. In the 'backlogs' view I have a clear overview of my epics and the Product Backlogs within the EPIC. I don't have this overview via the 'Boards - Boards view'.

Can someone help me on how to approach this?


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