vendredi 26 juin 2020

Jest react-native Hook not mocking properly


I need to mock the react-native hook useWindowDimensions in Jest to do a unit test on my function, but the mock values returned are not the mock values I've defined.

Does anyone know why my mock is being created with the wrong values and how to fix it?


Function I'm Unit Testing

export function windowDimensions(): WindowDimensions {
         const windowWidth = Math.round(useWindowDimensions().width);
         const windowHeight = Math.round(
         const minWindowDimension = Math.min(windowWidth, windowHeight);
         const maxWindowDimension = Math.max(windowWidth, windowHeight);
         return { minWindowDimension, maxWindowDimension };

Unit Test

  • The unit test returns {"maxWindowDimension": 1334, "minWindowDimension": 750}
  • With the mock I created below, it should return {"maxWindowDimension": 400, "minWindowDimension": 200}
  describe("windowDimensions return value", () => {
    let dummyComponent;
    let mockWindowDimensions;
      const DummyComponent = () => {
        // const { windowDimensions } = props;
    mockWindowDimensions = jest.fn(() => windowDimensions());
        return <View />;

    beforeAll(() => {
      jest.mock("react-native", () => ({
        useWindowDimensions: () => ({
          width: 100,
          height: 200
    it("should return windowWidth", () => {
      dummyComponent = render(
        <DummyComponent />
        minWindowDimension: 100,
        maxWindowDimension: 200

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