dimanche 26 juillet 2020

How to find which median is greater using Mann-Whitney U test or wilcox.test() in R?

I chose this non-parametric test because it is the alternative test to a 2-sampled t-test (Independent), since my datas have a sample size below 30 and are not normally distributed. The Mann-Whitney test shows if the median of my datasets are significantly different or not. I ran the tests effectively, which looks like this: wilcox.test(Loan_Expenses ~ bank_type, data = Conv_Isl_18, exact = FALSE, paired = FALSE).

Now, I want to see if the median of one bank type is greater than the other. I read that I could add alternative = "greater" in my code. However, I am not sure what the p-value of the results tell me.

The function will look like this: wilcox.test(Loan_Expenses ~ bank_type, data = Conv_Isl_18, exact = FALSE, paired = FALSE, alternative = "greater")

I got p-value = 0.3015, and my two bank types are Conventional and Islamic. Does that mean Islamic banks have a greater median than Conventional banks, or vice versa? How would I know?

Thank you!

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