dimanche 29 octobre 2017

akka persistent actor testing events generated

By the definition of CQRS command can/should be validated and at the end even declined (if validation does not pass). As a part of my command validation I check if state transition is really needed. So let take a simple, dummy example: actor is in state A. A command is send to actor to transit to state B. The command gets validated and at the end event is generated StateBUpdated. Then the exact same command is send to transit to state B. Again command gets validated and during the validation it is decided that no event will be generated (since we are already in state B) and just respond back that command was processed and everything is ok. It is kind of idempotency thingy.

Nevertheless, I have hard time (unit) testing this. Usual unit test for persistent actor looks like sending a command to the actor and then restarting actor and check that state is persisted. I want to test if I send a command to the actor to check how many events were generated. How to do that?


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