jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Salesforce Test Class Failed when I want to validate in the production

I am beginner in salesforce APEX coding. Currently I am trying to make a scheduler for my org where i want to update my ManagerID form the UserRole.

In my testing ORG this code is showing 93% of code coverage but when I want to deploy in the production, The code coverage is only 67%. Can anybody help me with the below code:


public class AstroUpdateManagerID{
public List<UserRole> UserRoleList1(){
    List<UserRole> userRole = new List<UserRole>();
    userRole= [select Id, Name, ParentRoleId from UserRole];
    return userRole;

List <UserRole> role =UserRoleList1();

Map <Id, User> userParentMap = new Map <Id, User>();
Map <Id, UserRole> userRoleMap = new Map <Id, UserRole>();

public User HandleParentNull(UserRole userroleobj){
        User userobj = new User();
        userobj  = userParentMap.get(userroleobj.ParentRoleId);
        if(userobj == null ){
            UserRole userRole2 = userRoleMap.get(userroleobj.ParentRoleId);
               userobj = HandleParentNull(userRole2);
return userobj;


public String get_Manager_ID_Where_Partner_Owner_Is_NA(User u){
                UserRole userRoleOBJ = userRoleMap.get(u.UserRoleId);
                return HandleParentNull(userRoleOBJ).Id;

public List<User> UserIdentification(List<User> user){

List<User> AllUserList = new List<User>();

        //Find User role by UserRole.Id
        for(UserRole ur: role){
            userRoleMap.put(ur.Id, ur);

             //Find user by User.UserRoleId
            for(User userparent: user){
            userParentMap.put(userparent.UserRoleId, userparent);

    for (User u: user){
        if(u.Partner_User_Owner__c != 'NA'  && u.UserRole.Name != 'Director of Sales' && u.Profile.Name != 'System Administrator'){
                u.ManagerId = u.Partner_User_Owner__c;
            }else if(u.UserRole.Name != 'Director of Sales'  && u.Profile.Name != 'System Administrator'){
                        u.ManagerId =   get_Manager_ID_Where_Partner_Owner_Is_NA(u);
return AllUserList;




global class AstroUpdateManagerIdBatch implements Schedulable{

    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
        AstroUpdateManagerID umi = new AstroUpdateManagerID();

        List<User > AllUser = new List<User >();        
        AllUser = [select Id, Name, UserName, ManagerId, UserRoleId, UserRole.Name, isActive, Partner_User_Owner__c, Profile.Name  from User Where IsActive=true and UserRole.Name!=null];   
        update umi.UserIdentification(AllUser);



public class TestDataAccessClassManagerID {      

    static void myTestMethodForManager() {

      List <User> AllUserList = [select Id, Name, UserName, ManagerId, UserRoleId, UserRole.Name, isActive, Partner_User_Owner__c, Profile.Name  from User Where IsActive=true and UserRole.Name!=null];
      AstroUpdateManagerID umi = new AstroUpdateManagerID();

      List <User> userListUpdate = umi.UserIdentification(AllUserList);

     AstroUpdateManagerIdBatch bupdate = new AstroUpdateManagerIdBatch ();
    String sch = '0 0 23 * * ?'; 

        system.schedule('Test Territory Check', sch, bupdate );
        update userListUpdate;




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