jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Run each cucumber test independently

I'm using cucumber and maven on eclipse and what I'm trying to do is run each test independently. For example I have a library system software that basically allows users to borrow books and do other stuff.

One of the conditions is that users can only borrow a max of two books so I wrote to make sure that the functionality works. This is my feature file:

Scenario: Borrow over max limit
Given "" logs in to the library system
When "" order his first book with ISBN "9781611687910"
And "" order another book with ISBN "9781442667181"
And "" tries to order another book with ISBN "1234567890123"
Then Sun will get the message that says "The User has reached his/her max number of books"

I wrote a corresponding step definition file and every worked out great. However, in the future I want to use the same username ("") for borrowing books as though has not yet borrowed any books. I want each test to be independent of each other.

Is there any way of doing this...maybe there's something I can put into my step definition classes. If there's a way please help me. Any help is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance!

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