mardi 31 octobre 2017

WebdriverIO - How to use mocha list reporter?

I am using WebdriverIO as a e2e testing framework, together with mocha and chai. However, I would like to have a reporter that gives more details for the results instead of only pass/fail in the end. Right now when I get a timeout error, I don't know which step in the test it was that failed. I used nightwatch before and I liked that reporter, and it seems like they used mocha list reporter.

However, there does not seem to be a plugin like wdio-list-reporter in npm, so is there another way to add it? Or another reporter that is similar and reports every step of the test and what the error is.

Timeout of 30000ms exceeded. Try to reduce the run time or increase your timeout for test specs

For example, I get the above in Webdriver IO now, but in nightwatch I got information about where the test failed. For example, if it timed out while waiting for the NAVBAR or whatever.

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